Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Incredible Support!

What would we be without a great support team. Most bands rely on the house for sound and lights. We can too but we would much prefer to bring our own team as they know us best.

Cory Gira on Lights

Cory is our current bass player but few know that he also operates lights... with his foot. That's right, Cory currently controls our light show with a foot controller. He has created a system that has bit him like a bug. He will be stepping down as our bass player to focus solely on creating an amazing light show of the likes you may never see in small establishments.

Scott Hanba on Sound

Scott has been working sound for us for some time. You might not ever had known but if you've been to a show and have seen that quiet guy moving about with an iPad in his hand, you've seen him. He's not really that quiet. He's just hard at work tweaking us in for your listening pleasure.


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