Nov 8, 2019

Fun at the Fundraiser!

We had a great time supporting the Novi Educational Foundation on July 27th at The 5th of Novi. Thanks to our buddy Gene for the pics and to our own Leon for editing them into art that shows how much fun we have entertaining our fans.

A special thanks to the NEF and to The 5th of Novi for considering us for this worthy cause of an event!!

Be sure to like us on Facebook and/or check our "upcoming shows" page to see where and when you can come see and have a Dancin' Good Time!

Jul 15, 2019

Boomin' in Walled Lake!

It was yet another incredible evening for Vinyl Rockit as we supported The Beach Tiki Bar & Grill for their independence blowout. There was a car show, a cornhole tournament, a three barge fireworks display and us, Vinyl Rockit, letting them have it 'til late into the night!

Jun 23, 2019

A Dancin' Good Time at Chatters!

What an incredible time had by all at Chatters of Westland. What a place and what a crowd! We had a solid dance floor through all three sets. A big thank you to Jayson and the staff for having us. We are looking forward to returning soon for another Dancin' Good Time!!

Here is a sample of the Dancin' Good Time had by all...

We'll see you again soon, Chatters!!

Apr 1, 2019

Standing Room Only!

What a Dancin' Good Time at CJ's on March 30th!

The placed was so packed that there wasn't enough tables and chairs for everybody present. It was standing room only!

This wasn't a problem once we started playing as the chairs emptied and the dance floor filled up. Per usual, it was full for the rest of the night. Thank you to all that made this such an electric show. We'll see you at the next one!!

Jan 21, 2019

The New Light Show

Here is a sneak peek at what you can expect from the light show at a Vinyl Rockit performance. Catch a show to see the real deal!

Jan 1, 2019

New Logo!

What do you think of this logo idea? Can you tell what that texture is inside? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Welcome Our New Bass Player...

We welcome Leon "Drake" Carpenter into the band as our new bass player. Leon will be taking over for our current bass player Cory, as he focuses on building a world class light show for Vinyl Rockit, something that he has a great passion for.

Leon started playing guitar in the eighties before picking up the bass in the Y2Ks. We are excited to have him and look forward to what he brings to the group. Help us welcome him by dropping a comment below.

Incredible Support!

What would we be without a great support team. Most bands rely on the house for sound and lights. We can too but we would much prefer to bring our own team as they know us best.

Cory Gira on Lights

Cory is our current bass player but few know that he also operates lights... with his foot. That's right, Cory currently controls our light show with a foot controller. He has created a system that has bit him like a bug. He will be stepping down as our bass player to focus solely on creating an amazing light show of the likes you may never see in small establishments.

Scott Hanba on Sound

Scott has been working sound for us for some time. You might not ever had known but if you've been to a show and have seen that quiet guy moving about with an iPad in his hand, you've seen him. He's not really that quiet. He's just hard at work tweaking us in for your listening pleasure.